Configuring Privacy Settings In FunnelFuel
Include a Web Analytics Opt-Out feature on your website
On your website, in your existing privacy policy page or in the ‘Legal’ page, you can actually add a way for your visitors to “opt-out” of being tracked by your FunnelFuel server. By default, all of your website visitors are tracked, but if they opt-out by clicking on the opt-out checkbox, a cookie ‘FF-Ignore’ will be set. All visitors with a FF-Ignore cookie will not be tracked.
In Administration > Privacy > Users opt-out, you will be able to copy and paste the opt-out form code
Respect DoNotTrack preference
Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt-out of tracking by websites they do not visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms. By default, FunnelFuel respects users preferences and will not track visitors who have specified “I do not want to be tracked” in their web browsers. For more information about DoNotTrack, check out
In Administration > Privacy > Users opt-out, under “Support Do Not Track preference” you can enable/disable Do Not Track support:
Create a Privacy Policy page on your website(s)
A privacy policy is a statement or a legal document that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client’s data. It fulfills a legal requirement to protect a customer or client’s privacy.
When you use FunnelFuel to track your visitors, we recommend updating your Privacy Policy to explain how FunnelFuel is used and what data it gathers. We provide a Privacy Policy template here for FunnelFuel users that you can copy on your site.
Learn more about a GDPR compatible privacy policy in How to complete your privacy policy with FunnelFuel analytics under GDPR.
Learn about personal data regulations such as GDPR
To learn more about the privacy regulations and in particular the GDPR, we have put together a FunnelFuel GDPR guide.
In FunnelFuel go to Administration > Privacy > GDPR Overview to find details about awareness & documentation, individuals’ rights, security procedures, and data retention.
Anonymising data that has already been tracked
When you have tracked data in the past and realised later you tracked maybe too much data or some personal data, you can easily anonymize the affected data using our tool to anonymize previously tracked raw data.
How to track people in FunnelFuel without asking them for consent or a cookie banner?
As part of privacy legislation worldwide including GDPR but also ePrivacy, it is often required to display a cookie banner informing users about cookies, or consent must be obtained before tracking visitors’ personal data. However there is a solution available: you can use FunnelFuel Analytics without needing consent and without a cookie banner, by following all the steps listed below;
How do I use FunnelFuel Analytics without consent or cookie banner?
As part of privacy legislation worldwide including GDPR, CCPA, PECR, and ePrivacy, it is often required to display a cookie banner informing users about cookies, or consent must be obtained before tracking visitors’ data.
However there is a solution available: you can use FunnelFuel Analytics without needing consent and without a cookie banner, by following all the steps below.
How to avoid cookie consent banner
To avoid the analytics cookie consent banner, follow the steps below:
- Enable cookie-less tracking: This is currently supported via your FunnelFuel account manager
- Easily let users opt-out
- Mention FunnelFuel in your Privacy Policy (see below).
No cookie consent is needed because:
- tracking cookies are not used
- the data is not used for any other purpose than analytics (compared to GA which uses it for other purposes and therefore always requires consent)
- visitors aren’t tracked across websites (compared to GA which does track visitors across many websites)
- a user cannot be tracked across days within the same website (no user profiles can be generated when cookies are disabled)
How to avoid asking user for consent (including cookie consent)
To not have to ask your visitors for consent (including the analytics cookie consent banner), then you need to make sure you do not track any personal data at all.
Follow these steps:
- Make sure you disabled analytics tracking cookies (see section above).
- Make sure IP addresses are anonymised (2 or 3 bytes) because the full IP address is considered personal data. By default this is the case with FunnelFuel analytics
- Make sure your Page URLs and Page titles should not include personal data/PII (such as the visitor’s name).
- Make sure your Page Referrers URLs do not include personal data (we’ll be soon working on a new feature for this).
- If you use features like Custom Dimensions, Custom variables, Event tracking, make sure the data you collect does not include personal data/PII.
- If you use features such as Session Recording or Heatmap, you need to ensure you ignore any element in the page that includes personal data, so that any personal data are not tracked
- Make sure the data collected in FunnelFuel is used only for the audience measurement and evaluation of the website performance and not other purposes. This precludes you from running marketing campaigns using the data collected, meaning that for the vast majority of customers, you will require cookie consent.
- Make sure you are only tracking users on a single site and not tracking the same user across different websites.
All data you collect in FunnelFuel without user consent should be anonymous
You must also 1) easily let users opt-out and 2) mention FunnelFuel in your Privacy Policy (see below).
Let users opt-out
You must offer your users an easy way to opt-out from data collection, and include the opt-out form in a easy to access and visible page on your website, for example in your Privacy policy.
Mention analytics in your Privacy policy
We provide a copy and paste template to guide you here